api.50х.cloud - Make Your Own Crypto-Exchange!

Cloud API methods

Cloud API is designed to be used by 3rd party applications and has full support for account management functions, from sign up to deposits and withdrawals. For trading robots you should use ordinary API at https://api.50x.com (“Public methods” and “Private methods” sections).
Please note that accounts created via Cloud API can be accessed only from the same 3rd party app in which they were created. Also, the app can be used to access the accounts created from this app only.
This literally means that each app uses separate user DB so it is impossible to login to the account created in another 3-rd party app.

To access api.50x.cloud, any HTTP query should contain X-PARTNER header with the partner identification. For development purposes you can use the ‘other’ test identification. After the app has been developed, you can send an email to support@50x.com and obtain your permanent partner identification.

Likewise, all authorized queries should contain the X-SESSION header field, which could be obtained by calling /json.login/ authorization method or /json.confirm_email/ email confirmation method.

For more details, refer to this JS example ("for dummies" code style) of using 50x.cloud API:

<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><title>50x.cloud - Lightweight JS API Example</title><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript">
document.x_session = '';
function _e( elid ) {return document.getElementById(elid);} function _v( elid ) {return document.getElementById(elid).value;} function _l( msg ) {_e('id_log').innerHTML = _e('id_log').innerHTML + '<hr>' + msg;}
function _api(method, params, callback, errorcallback) {
    var params_array = new Array();
    for (var key in params) {
        params_array.push(key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(params[key]));
    var url = 'https://api.50x.cloud/' + method + '/';
    var xmlhttp;
    xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (xmlhttp.readyState != 4) return;
        if (xmlhttp.status == 200) {
            if ( callback ) {
            } else {
        } else {
            if ( errorcallback ) {
            } else {
                _l('API CALL ERROR:' + xmlhttp.statusText);
    xmlhttp.open("POST", url, true);
    xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("X-PARTNER", "other");
    if ( document.x_session ) {
        xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("X-SESSION", document.x_session);

function b_login() {
    _api( 'json.login', {'email':_v('id_login'),'password':_v('id_pwd'),'key':_v('id_2fa')}, function ( res ) {
        _l( res );
        if ( ! res.error ) { document.x_session = JSON.parse( res ).x_session_id; }

function b_userinfo() {
    _api( 'json.userinfo', {} );

function b_join() {
    _api( 'json.join', {'email':_v('id_email_reg'),'password':_v('id_pwd_reg'),'repassword':_v('id_repwd_reg')} );

function b_init_resetpwd() {
    _api( 'json.init_resetpwd', {'email':_v('id_email_reset')} );

function b_confirm_email() {
    _api( 'json.confirm_email', {'confirmation_code':_v('id_email_code')}, function ( res ) {
        _l( res );
        if ( ! res.error ) {
            document.x_session = JSON.parse( res ).x_session_id;

function b_logout() {
    _api( 'json.logout', {} );

function b_enable_2fa_1() {
    _api( 'json.enable_2fa', {'step':'1'} );

function b_enable_2fa_2() {
    _api( 'json.enable_2fa', {'step':'2','key':_v('id_2fa_code')} );

function b_disable_2fa_1() {
    _api( 'json.disable_2fa', {'key':_v('id_2fa_code')} );

function b_disable_2fa_2() {
    _api( 'json.disable_2fa', {'email':_v('id_login'),'password':_v('id_pwd'),'key':_v('id_2fa_code')} );

    <input type="text" placeholder="E-Mail" id="id_email_reg"/>
    <input type="text" placeholder="Password" id="id_pwd_reg"/>
    <input type="text" placeholder="Repeat password" id="id_repwd_reg"/>
    <input type="button" onclick="b_join();" value="Join"/>
    <input type="text" placeholder="E-Mail confirmation code" id="id_email_code"/>
    <input type="button" onclick="b_confirm_email();" value="Confirm Email"/>
    <input type="text" placeholder="E-Mail for reset" id="id_email_reset"/>
    <input type="button" onclick="b_init_resetpwd();" value="Reset password"/>
    <input type="text" placeholder="Login" id="id_login"/>
    <input type="text" placeholder="Password" id="id_pwd"/>
    <input type="text" placeholder="2FA" id="id_2fa"/>
    <input type="button" onclick="b_login();" value="Login"/>   
    <input type="button" onclick="b_userinfo();" value="User Info"/>
    <input type="button" onclick="b_logout();" value="Logout"/>
    <input type="button" onclick="b_enable_2fa_1();" value="Enable 2FA (step1)"/>
    <input type="text" placeholder="2FA Code" id="id_2fa_code"/>
    <input type="button" onclick="b_enable_2fa_2();" value="Enable 2FA (step2)"/>
    <input type="button" onclick="b_disable_2fa_1();" value="Disable 2FA (after login)"/>
    <input type="button" onclick="b_disable_2fa_2();" value="Disable 2FA (without login)"/>
    <div id="id_log"></div>


Response Messages and Error Codes

All requests, should no additional info be displayed to the user, return JSON with {"ok": true} element upon success.
Any request to the API may result in JSON encoded response containing "error_code" or "msg_id" element. For both cases this response should be decoded using "code" section of the translations file which contains both message and error codes. These responses may contain "values" array with necessary values to be included in the translation, replacing corresponding ${n} tag, where n represents an index in the "values" array.

Sample replies:

{"message": "Please check your email for activation link", "msg_id": 31001, "ok": true}
{"error_code": 37017, "error": "Auth fail"}
{"error_code": 33027, "error": "Not enough available balance for withdraw", "values": ["BTC", 1.2345, 0.987654321]}

The last example should be displayed to the user using this translation element:

"code": {
    "33027": {
        "en": "Not enough available ${0} balance for withdraw, need ${1}, your available balance is ${2} ${0}", 
        "ru": "Недостаточно свободного баланса ${0} для вывода, требуется ${1}, в наличии свободно ${2} ${0}"

resulting in the folowing string to be displayed:
Not enough available BTC balance for withdraw, need 1.2345, your available balance is 0.987654321 BTC


POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.join/

Creating a new account

Name Type Mandatory Description
email String Yes email
password String Yes password
repassword String Yes repeat password


{"ok": true}


POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.login/

Login using POST request to get session ID

Name Type Mandatory Description
email String Yes email
password String Yes password
key String No 2FA Code

Sample reply upon success:

{"x_session_id": "frdifkahui2dc1fy59vr9fl2o08beb8u", "ok": true}

Sample reply upon an error:

{"error_code": 37017, "error": "Auth fail"}

If 2FA was activated for the current account and a key parameter is missing, you will get 'error':'Need 2FA' reply, and should ask the user to fill “2FA Code” input to be transferred as a value in key parameter.

3. Email confirmation

POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.confirm_email/


Name Type Mandatory Description
confirmation_code String Yes Confirmation code from the email

Sample reply upon success:

{"x_session_id": "frdifkahui2dc1fy59vr9fl2o08beb8u", "ok": true}

4. Password reset code request

POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.init_resetpwd/

A e-mail with the password reset code will be sent to the user’s email.

Name Type Mandatory Description
email String Yes email

5. Change password

POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.resetpwd/

Setting new password using password reset code from email


Name Type Mandatory Description
email String Yes email
emailcode String Yes code from email
password String Yes new password
repassword String Yes new password repeat
key String No 2FA Code, if activated

6. Enable 2FA

POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.enable_2fa/

Enable 2FA on user’s account in two steps.
Step 1: request without parameters
Sample reply upon success:

{'key':'KJHD93UDWYY', "ok": true}

key should be displayed to the user as a string and a QR-code for the Google Authenticator app
Step 2: request with parameters:

Name Type Mandatory Description
step INT Yes value must be 2
key String Yes 6-digit 2FA Code from Google Authenticator

7. Disable 2FA

POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.disable_2fa/

Disable 2FA for all actions on user’s account.

Sample reply upon success:

{"ok": true}


Name Type Mandatory Description
key String Yes 6-digit 2FA Code from Google Authenticator

8. Deposit

POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.deposit/

Returns address details for depositing given sym.

Name Type Mandatory Description
sym String Yes internal trading symbol of an asset to be deposited

Sample reply upon success:

{"ok": true, "msg_id": 31002, "sym": "TUSD", "wallet": "0x9944hh4433gg22776622", "html": "\n  To deposit TUSD, please send to this <strong>ETH address</strong>:<br><br><strong class=\"deposit-addr\">0x9944hh4433gg22776622</strong>\n  ", "values": ["TUSD", "ETH", "0x9944hh4433gg22776622",  "TrueUSD Stable Coin", null]}

ok - TRUE on success
sym - internal trading symbol of an asset to be deposited
wallet - Address with tag in QR-code compatible format
msg_id - Message code to be used with the translations file
html - A default html-formatted message to be displayed in case of the translation failure
values - An array with all variables for the translation
values[0] - Same as ‘sym’, internal trading symbol of an asset to be deposited
values[1] - Parent blockchain or payment system name
values[2] - Address (without tag)
values[3] - Tag (optional, only for the assets that require TAG, like XRP)
values[4] - Asset name

9. Withdraw

POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.place_withdraw/

Creates a withdrawal order. 2FA must be activated to use this function.

Name Type Mandatory Description
sym String Yes Internal trading symbol of an asset to be transferred
amount String Yes Amount to be transferred
to_addr String Yes Destination address
to_tag String No Tag for the assets that require tag as a part of address details (like XRP)
key String Yes 6-digit 2FA Code from Google Authenticator

Sample reply upon success:

{"ok": true}

10. Logout

POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.logout/

Terminates current session

All methods are called upon by POST queries to https://api.50x.cloud Please look to HTML example code on top of this page.

All methods return JSON.
In case of success, JSON will NOT contain error field.
In case of an error, method will return JSON with {error:"error description"}
If method is designed to be called upon by an authorized user, but is called without authorization, JSON will contain {error:"Login required"}

11. User information:

POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.userinfo/

After authorization, user information and balances are shown
Parameters: No
Sample reply (subsequently, additional fields may appear):

    "email_confirmed": true, 
    "last_auth_ip": "", 
    "lang": "en", 
    "first_name": "Nick", 
    "ip_restriction_list": "", 
    "blocked": 0, 
    "prev_auth_ip": "", 
    "email": "nick3@mail.com", 
    "username": "nick3@mail.com", 
    "ip_restriction_enabled": false, 
    "fa2_auth_enabled": true, 
    "last_name": "", 
    "actions": "", 
    "balances": [
        ["A2A(B)", 0.074999889323, 0.0],
        ["A2A", 0.0, 0.0], 
        ["BTC", 0.8909556407, 0.28180805], 
        ["ETH", 13.08039, 7.614], 
        ["LTC", 0.11994, 0.0], 
        ["PCT", 0.0, 0.0],
        ["DASH", 0.0, 0.0],
        ["USDT", 0.0, 0.0], 
        ["BTG", 0.0, 0.0], 
        ["BCH", 0.0, 0.0], 
        ["TRX", 1839.7, 100.2], 
        ["GSXC", 0.0, 0.0]


12. Incoming transactions

POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.incoming_transactions/

shows list of incoming transactions (deposits)

Name Type Mandatory Description
pn String No Page number starting from 1 (one page = 30 items)
sym String No currency symbol (for example, ETH,BTC,LTC…)
state String No “wait” or “ok” (to be deposited or already deposited)

Sample reply:

    "ok": true, 
    "orders": [
        {"addr": "0x4687d453980f7da22ce8d2960c55045480edcf99", 
         "rec_time": 1522572619.0, 
         "txh": "0x9a8bdc9677dd33580738e0d0b2cfce260d68dae93a12d401c05889cd731e2468", "
         symbol": "ETH", 
         "amount": 0.1, 
         "state": "ok", 
         "confirmations": 98}, 
        {"addr": "0x4687d453980f7da22ce8d2960c55045480edcf99",
         "rec_time": 1522146010.0, 
         "txh": "0x3fbf75c3e54ab072486c9c708a545fe6123dc76aa0418826e09dac0ce060f6b2", 
         "symbol": "ETH", 
         "amount": 0.002,
         "state": "ok",
         "confirmations": 5697}, 
        {"addr": "0x4687d453980f7da22ce8d2960c55045480edcf99", 
         "rec_time": 1522146010.0, 
         "txh": "0x300fb44b9782d1d977472148d306297de8f887662a2677364dabde84044e6230", 
         "symbol": "ETH",
         "amount": 0.0003, 
         "state": "ok", 
         "confirmations": 5765}
"state" can be “wait” (to be deposited) or “ok” (deposited)

13. List of withdrawal orders

POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.withdraw_orders/

List of withdrawal orders

Name Type Mandatory Description
pn String No page number starting form 1 (one page = 30 items)
sym String No Currency symbol (for example, ETH,BTC,LTC…)
state String No “new”, “confirmed”, “done” (new, confirmed, completed)

Sample reply:

    "ok": true, 
    "orders": [
        {"symbol": "DOGE", 
         "state": "done", 
         "time_payout": 1522220735.0, 
         "time_confirm": 1522220553.0, 
         "to_tag": null, 
         "time_create": 1522195200.0, 
         "out_txh": "4c024b9a56da913194850b3339f5c4ae03d7b0cfc3d8d7c86d70f2f97ee4f99b", 
         "to_addr": "DKJ4uJWKtP5oZtTbfuyzNTPfuVC444eSZr", 
         "amount": 98.0
         "memo": "Any string up to 255 characters long for your own referance"}, 
        {"symbol": "DASH", 
         "state": "done", 
         "time_payout": 1522218636.0,
         "time_confirm": 1522218603.0,
         "to_tag": null, 
         "time_create": 1522195200.0, 
         "out_txh": "acb3582a3238ee3722e83a900988de6f994dfa982fd628eb6bdb1b64f147f718",
         "to_addr": "XnJ44u6EAyc3ePTZcxkcW1dFrVFvfc4ggh",
         "amount": 0.00797,
         "memo": "Any string up to 255 characters long for your own referance"}
"state"can be “new”, “confirmed” or “done” (means completed)

14. Placing an order

POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.place_order/

Placing a trading order

Name Type Mandatory Description
pair String Yes Trading pair (for example, ETH/BTC, ETH/DASH, LTC/ETH)
v Float Yes Volume
ot String Yes Order type (l - limit, m - market)
r Float Yes Order execution rate
bs String Yes If BUY, then b, if SELL, then s
lifetime Float No Number of seconds of order’s lifetime from placement (optional)
expire_time Float No time when order is automatically cancelled (optional, lifetime has the priority)
memo String No Any string up to 255 characters long for your own referance

Sample reply:

{"ok": true,
 "order": {"bs": "b",
           "expire_time": 0,
           "filled_vol": 0,
           "oid": 151871,
           "pair": "ETH/BTC",
           "rate": 0.001,
           "state": 0,
           "sym1": "ETH",
           "sym2": "BTC",
           "time_cancel": 0,
           "time_complete": 0,
           "time_create": 1536856649.0,
           "time_last_fill": 0,
           "type": "l",
           "vol": 1.0,
           "memo": "Any string up to 255 characters long for your own referance",}

15. Order cancellation

POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.cancel_order/

Cancels an open order

Name Type Mandatory Description
oid String Yes order’s id

Sample reply:

{"oid": 151871, "ok": true}

15.1. Mass Order cancellation

POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.cancel_orders/

Cancels all orders that match search conditions.

Name Type Mandatory Description
sym String No Asset Symbol
pair String No Trading pair
bs String No Trading direction (buy/sell)

Parameters usage:
sym - if specified, all open orders with sym will be cancelled. Should not be used with "pair’.
pair - if specified, all open orders with provided trading pair AND reverse trading pair will be cancelled. Should not be used with "sym’.
bs - Trading direction (buy/sell). Use bs=‘s’ to cancel only SELL orders, use bs=‘b’ to cancel only BUY orders.
Sending request without parameters will result in cancelling all open orders for the user.

Sample reply:

{"ok": true}

16. Changing order

POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.change_order/

Change an open order

Name Type Mandatory Description
oid String Yes id orders
amount Float No order’s new volume (optional, if not included or = 0, then volume shall remain unchanged)
rate Float No order’s new rate (optional, if not included or = 0, then rate shall remain unchanged)
expire_time Float No order’s expiration time, unix timestamp (when it is automatically cancelled, optional, if not inlucded, shall remain unchanged)
memo String No Any string up to 255 characters long for your own referance

Sample reply:

{"ok": true}

17. Getting the lists of Open or Closed orders

POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.orderslist/

Returns the list of open orders.
If history=1 parameter is included, returns the list of closed orders.

Name Type Mandatory Description
history String No if included, shows history, and not open orders
pn Float No page number starting from 1 (one page = 50 orders)
pair String No selection based on the indicated pair (for example, ETH/BTC, ETH/DASH, LTC/ETH)
sym1 String No selection based on the pair’s first symbol (for example, for ETH/BTC, the first symbol is ETH)
sym2 String No selection based on the pair’s second symbol (for example, for ETH/BTC, the second symbol is BTC)
ot String No selection based on the order’s type (l,m,c - see place_order description)
bs String No selection based on BUY or SELL, b and s values respectively
state Float No selection based on the trading order’s state

list of possible states of trading orders:
0 - Waiting, 1 - Placed, 2 - Partial filled, 3 - Full filled, 50 - Wait for cancel, 51 - Cancelling, 52 - Cancelled
Sample reply:

{"ok": true, "orders": [
    {"time_last_fill": 0, 
     "time_cancel": 0, 
     "filled_vol": 0.0, 
     "rate": 0.07598567,
     "commission": 0.2,
     "vol": 1.0,
     "time_create": 1525244149.0, 
     "oid": 101011, 
     "sym1": "ETH", 
     "time_complete": 0, 
     "condition_details": null, 
     "sym2": "BTC", 
     "state": 0, 
     "condition_type": null, 
     "bs": "b", 
     "pair": "ETH/BTC", 
     "memo": "Any string up to 255 characters long for your own referance",
     "type": "l"},

18. Blotter - cashflow

POST https://api.50x.cloud/json.blotter/

Obtain all operations with the selected currency on the account

Name Type Mandatory Description
sym String Yes Currency symbol

Sample reply:

{"ok": true, 
 "blotter": [{"addr": "",
              "amount": 1.0,
              "at": 1536857914.0,
              "data_id": 151907,
              "o_bs": "b",
              "o_pair": "ETH/BTC",
              "o_rate": 0.03247101,
              "o_t": "m",
              "o_vol": 1.0,
              "sym": "ETH",
              "t": "tc",
              "tag": "",
              "txh": ""}],

Reply common values:
“at” - Timestamp of the transaction
“t” - transaction source: indicates which module initiated the transaction, possible states:
tc - Trading Core, com - Commission, wd - Withdrawal, in - Incomming transaction (deposit), fix - Error correction
“data_id”- transaction ID, or order ID for trades (if “t”=“tc”)
“amount”- Balance change for selected asset
“sym”- Asset Symbol
Reply deposit/withdrawal values:
“txh” - TxHash for withdrawals
“tag” - Transaction tag for withdrawals for thecoins requiring tags like XRP, IOTA, XLM
“addr” - External blockchain address for deposits and withdrawals
Reply trade/commission/fix values:
“o_bs” - buy/sell for trades: b - buy, s - sell
“o_t” - Order Type for trades: l - limit, m - market
“o_pair” - Order Type for trades
“o_vol” - Order Volume for trades
“o_rate” - Order Rate for trades

Public methods:

1. Current average quotes

GET https://rates.50x.com/market/

Obtain current average quotes with the base in selected currency or 1/median quotes in selected currency

Name Type Mandatory Description
base String No Base currency symbol
coin String No Currency symbol


Sample query:

GET https://rates.50x.com/market?base=BTC

Sample reply:

        "vol": 15463,
        "rate": 4.183e-05, 
        "change": 0.0
        "vol": 463,
        "rate": 0.079074, 
        "change": -0.16

vol - volume in BASE units or in COIN units (depends on query)
rate - rate
change - changes in % over the last 24 hours

2. Orderbook

GET https://rates.50x.com/orderbook/

obtain orderbook for an indicated pair

Name Type Mandatory Description
pair String Yes Pair symbol

Sample query:

GET https://rates.50x.com/orderbook?pair=STE/ETH

Sample reply:

    "rate_med": 0.00108505, 
    "rate_bid": 0.00101011, 
    "rate_ask": 0.00115999, 
    "bid": [
        [0.00101011, 1085.55], 
        [0.0010101, 130.9999977], 
    "ask": [
        [0.00115999, 676.24147622], 
        [0.00116, 1423.12] 

rate_med - average price between best bid and best ask= ( best bid + best ask ) / 2
rate_bid - best bid
rate_ask - best ask
bid - bids (buy orders) array in format [ price, volume ]
ask - asks (sell orders) array in format [ price, volume ]

3. Chart

GET https://rates.50x.com/chart/

obtain median rates chart for a pair

Name Type Mandatory Description
pair String Yes Pair symbol
period String Yes Period symbol
begin Timestamp No Beginning of the requested period
end Timestamp No End of the requested period

Available periods: M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H2, H4, D, W
Sample query:

GET https://rates.50x.com/chart?pair=ETH/DASH&period=h1

Sample reply:

[{"close": 1.28261031,
  "date": 1536256800,
  "high": 1.29277708,
  "low": 1.27164355,
  "open": 1.28232894},
 {"close": 1.27752193,
  "date": 1536260400,
  "high": 1.30094927,
  "low": 1.2643695,
  "open": 1.28310266},
 {"close": 1.27696195,
  "date": 1536264000,
  "high": 1.28768982,
  "low": 1.27360386,
  "open": 1.27763158},

4. List of last trades

POST https://rates.50x.com/last_trades/


Name Type Mandatory Description
pair String No Pair’s name (obtain last trades for a pair)
sym String No Currency’s name (obtain last trades for a currency)

Sample reply:

{"ok": true,
 "trades": [{"bs": "b",
             "pair": "ETH/BTC",
             "rate": 0.02993642,
             "ts": 1536678972.0,
             "vol1": 0.81505393,
             "vol2": 0.0243998},
            {"bs": "b",
             "pair": "ETH/BTC",
             "rate": 0.03,
             "ts": 1536677973.0,
             "vol1": 10.0,
             "vol2": 0.3},